What's in a name...
The KAZ Project was named after my daughters Kaya, Azia and Zara. My husband started calling the girls "The KAZ girls". When I started this project, I thought what better way to honor the people that brought me to this place then to name this project after them.
A Note from Serena
Welcome to the KAZ Project. This project is close to my heart. As a midwife I have worked with so many families, but it was not until I had my own that I fully understood what the postpartum was and what it meant to prepare for this level of the parenting journey. As time has gone by I came to realize that what families really need is preparation and real hands on postpartum care.
I am a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP), an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and the mother of three extraordinary girls (a 12 year old and 7 year old twins). After having my first daughter, I started feeling a pang of guilt when I discharged a patient after giving birth. Wishing them luck, I would send them off to this intense and vulnerable time of life with a packet of handouts and a peri bottle. I heard time and time again from parents about the lack of readiness they felt for the first steps of parenthood. After giving birth many families were geographically or otherwise distant from their loved ones. The isolation and lack of support parent's felt made this already challenging time even harder. I understood both as a midwife and as a mother what theses parents were going through. I too had felt unprepared, wishing I really had understood what a huge change my life would take with the birth of my first daughter.
I wanted to do more to support the families I worked with. After many years of catching babies, I moved firmly into the postpartum. My vision was to create a company that stood on fours solid legs: Midwifery Care, Education, Community and Resources. I wanted to have a place that empowered families to trust their guts and uplifted them with information and support they could tailor to their own lives. I wanted to usher new families into the collective we call parenthood and help them to show up with strength and support.
And so the KAZ Project was born.